Member Mail 5 / 2023

Resolution of the GV SEV-GATA of 20 June 2023:
 “Enforce Collective Working Conditions at Airports – Now!»
- Membership with SEV-GATA

Dear Colleagues

The working conditions in aviation are diverse. But competition is fierce. Traffic is volatile. Employees are expected to be flexible. In all of this, working conditions vary greatly and are sometimes precarious.

While some companies appropriately regulate working conditions with the trade unions in collective labour agreements (CLA), others do not place any value on collective agreements.

On the occasion of our Annual General Meeting on 20 June 2023 at Zurich Airport, the numerous colleagues present adopted the following resolution:

We are worried about

  1. the uncontrollable proliferation of working conditions in aviation.
  2. the lack of collective agreements (CLA) at the airport.
  3. the variety of services offered by temporary suppliers.
  4. the increasingly precarious working conditions with low wages and inhumane, sometimes interrupted working hours.

We demand that

  1. all companies providing services at Zurich and Geneva airports regulate working conditions in CLA with the trade unions.
  2. the required licences are only granted if the supplier regulates working conditions in a CLA.
  3. efforts are made to ensure that CLA can be declared universally binding, industry solutions can be found and "social dumping" can be prevented.
  4. finally, enough staff is available even during peak times.
  5. there is time scheduled for recovery and employees must provide services only within reason.

The current employees in the industry are exhausted. The need for action is urgent. The existing workforce cannot tackle the expected workload during the busy summer.

Passengers deserve to be able to experience their journey without inconvenience, delays, and loss of quality.

Employees deserve to perform their work with dignity and appreciation with decent working conditions.

This resolution will be delivered to the public and companies … and SEV-GATA is leading the way.


Membership SEV-GATA

Being a member of SEV-GATA entails a lot of benefits:

  • Participation in the development of our positions and demands
  • Voting on CLA
  • Advice and representation of interests
  • collective and individual (legal) protection
  • Courses and training
  • Reka money and holiday offers
  • great offers from the SEV shop
  • numerous benefits for partners
  • Community and solidarity

Members are entitled to this range of services from SEV-GATA. Consider becoming a member – further information incl. terms and conditions can be found on our website. In case you are disappointed with the union and consider withdrawing or joining a different union, clear modalities apply, so that you never stand without protection:

  1. Talk to us and tell us about your anger and disappointments by phone or email to SEV-GATA and maybe, we can answer some of your questions (optional).
  2. If you really want to leave SEV-GATA, your withdrawal must be communicated in writing by 30 June or 31 December, with a notice period of 6 months.
  3. If you move to an area where we do not represent your interests due to a change in industry or profession, we will grant you a transfer to another SGB union with a shortened deadline. (E. g. Our member works at Swissport and moves to the Swiss post – SEV-GATA enables a transition to the Syndicom union at short notice.) However, this is not applicable if you simply want to change over to a different union.

SEV-GATA wants to make sure that you will always be and remain part of the SGB trade union movement. This is how you shape social progress in Switzerland and beyond the borders!

Thank you for your trust. Is your colleague not a member yet? Become an SEV-GATA member now. For more information and to join directly, visit Membership : SEV-GATA.

SEV-GATA membership means being part of a movement that pays off immediately! You're in!

Kind regards

Philipp Hadorn, President

SEV-GATA, your union in the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, President GATA: SEV-Aviation
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SEV-GATA (Groundstaff Aviation Technics and Administration) is the aviation department of SEV, the Swiss transport workers' union. With around 40,000 members, the SEV is the largest trade union in the field of collective transport in Switzerland and part of ETF and ITF. We represent the interests of employees at various companies, e. g. Swiss Int. Air Lines Ltd., Swissport, SBS, Engie, ISS, and Vebego.