Member Mail 9 / 2018

  • A Short Review

  • Swiss: Elections for Staff Commission

  • Wages Policy

  • New Logo for SEV-GATA

Dear Colleagues

We are approaching the end of a successful year. Switzerland’s aviation companies have not suffered too many turbulences. On the contrary: services, turnover and profit margins have been improved and increased. This has a positive impact on the jobs offered in the industry. It is our task to ensure that employees receive their fair share of their company’s success. We have been able to set a few standards in this area, which would not have been possible without our growing number of members. Thank you for your confidence.

Current News:

Swiss: General Elections for the Staff Commission

Swiss employees have recently elected their new staff commission (Peko) members. In electoral circle 2 (Basel) our previous member Michael Rangott had already been elected tacitly. Elections have taken place in electoral circle 4 (Technics) because five members ran for two seats, which was very pleasing. Due to further delays in the procedure, the election outcome will only be communicated on 14 December 2018. However, we would like to congratulate all elected members of the Peko and thank all other candidates for their commitment!

Wages Policy

With the new CLA for Swissport Zurich, SEV-GATA has achieved a wage increase of 2% effective 1 January 2019. At Swiss, there will be an increase in the total wage bill by 1.9% – the details (incl. possible exceptions) have already been communicated.

We can now present the first result of the wage negotiations in Geneva:

Swissport Geneva

After challenging negotiations, an increase of 1.3% has been achieved for employees with both monthly and hourly wages. This agreement has not yet been validated by both unions. Negotiations with Priora are still in progress.

As it appears now, our results will be slightly higher than the average wage adjustments in Switzerland. Of course, the outcome of negotiations does never fully mirror our demands, no matter how well justified and plausible they may be. However, this year’s pivotal success is that “our aviation companies” are finally returning to regular, moderate but consistent wage adjustments. 

We will only be able to maintain this positive development in the future if our level of membership keeps increasing steadily. It is crucial for our members to know both the individual and collective services of SEV-GATA ( and to convince their colleagues to become members, too. Without the constant growth of unions, it will never

be possible to maintain and develop Switzerland’s wage level. Pressure from other companies and our neighbouring countries is on the rise. Those who have followed the political debate about a new framework agreement between Switzerland and the European Union will understand the situation. Having been part of the discussion as a member of the National Council, I can say that the protection of wages in Switzerland could only be maintained thanks to the unions’ resistance, not thanks to the Swiss government.

New Logo for SEV-GATA

Since 1 November 2019, right on time for its 100th anniversary, SEV has a new logo. To ensure a common, consistent appearance, all sub-organisations of SEV will adopt a new logo that is similar in style to the new SEV Logo. We are happy to present the new logo for SEV-GATA, which will come into use on 1 January 2019:

We are grateful for the well-functioning cooperation during the past year. In the coming year, our regional offices will expand their capacities for the aviation industry. We will keep you informed.

Together we are strong. We fight for better conditions in life and at work – out of both necessity and solidarity.

We wish you a blessed Christmas and a successful start into 2019!

Best wishes

Philipp Hadorn, President

SEV-GATA, your union in the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, President GATA: SEV-Aviation
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