Member Mail 7 / 2018

  • CLA Swissport & SBS Zurich

  • Swiss: Wage Negotiations Completed

  • Cargologic

Dear Colleagues

Switzerland’s economic engine is up and running smoothly: forecasts are looking positive, and prices are not increasing too much, which allows for an economic upturn. In the aviation industry, many companies are struggling with dumping and disastrous price competition. These conditions make the notable mid-year figures presented by Swiss even more soothing.

Swiss: Wage Negotiations Completed

Negotiations concerning “a new wage system” are still underway. We have been able to make some progress during the last few weeks. It is crucial for us to make progressions within the salary bands “predictable”. However, this process is still in development, and we will keep you updated as soon as we have new information.  

Wage negotiations have also taken place within the same setting. The climate for negotiations with Swiss has changed for the better in recent years. We have thus been able to obtain sustainable, general wage adjustments. SEV-GATA’s wage policy is unambiguous: Inflation must be compensated for on a yearly basis, and a percentage of the increase in productivity must be returned to the employees. Furthermore, additional funding is required to allow for a certain progression within wage bands.

The challenging negotiations resulted in a satisfying solution, which will take effect on 1 January 2019:

  • a general increase of 80 Francs per month (at a 100% quota) and a corresponding elevation of wage bands
  • 0,6% of the wage total will be allocated for individual wage adaptions (meant for progressions within the wage band)

This means that 1.9% of the total wage bill is made available for 2019 wage adaptions. Swiss is now obliged to provide a report by the end of February 2019 explaining how these adaptions will be implemented in detail.

CLA Swissport & SBS Zurich

The negotiations with Swissport on new CLA for Swissport and SBS have taken place in a rough climate. After six rounds of negotiations, the following result has been agreed upon at the end of September: The CLA 2016 remains valid for one more year, including some editorial amendments. The employees’ impatience is understandable. The desired agreement on a new CLA per 1 January 2019 has not been reached due to the unstable situation of the company on the market and concerning its ownership, which led to additional challenges and changes. The demands were too far apart, which is why the social partners decided to keep the current CLA for one more year with only minimal editorial adjustments.

With this decision, we hoped to reach a more satisfying result in these difficult negotiations per 1 January 2020 without the added pressure of time running out. As a matter of course, ordinary “wage negotiations” for 2019 had already been planned, and wage adjustments for 2019 lay in the foreseeable future.

However, the members have not consented to the prolongation of the current CLA. We have already informed all of our affected members, and we have invited them to another meeting with union secretary Regula Pauli. The meeting will take place next Monday, 22 October 2018. Dates for renegotiations have been set.


We have been able to meet with Cargologic’s management. We are committed to representing our members as a social partner in this CLA once again.

SEV-GATA is part of Switzerland’s most prominent transport workers’ union (SEV), which is a member of national, European and international trade union confederations. We will continue to fight for your interests.

Success needs backup: Only as a mass movement will it remain possible for us to defend your working conditions in the future. Talk to your colleagues and motivate them to become members. It’s worth it! We will thank you with a bonus of 50 Francs if you recruit a new member for SEV.

SEV-GATA stays on top of things: with you and for you!

Best wishes

Philipp Hadorn, President

SEV-GATA, your union in the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, President GATA: SEV-Aviation
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