Member Mail 6 / 2018

  • Swiss General Strike of 1918 – Basis for Collective Labor Agreements

  • CLA in progress

  • News from Western Switzerland

Dear colleagues

The holiday season has started, which brings a lot of hard work for many of our members.

Luckily though, they benefit from collectively defined working conditions thanks to their CLA, which cannot be considered self-evident.

General Strike of 1918

The General Strike of 1918 has provided the groundwork for all CLA in Switzerland. It is thanks to the dedication of our ancestors that we have regulations ensuring a life in dignity for many people today. Three unionists have lost their lives fighting for social minimal standards in Grenchen. Yes, in Grenchen, here in Switzerland! In 2018, we commemorate the wide array of events that were connected to the General Strike of 1918. More information on the General Strike as well as the anniversary celebration on 10 November 2018 can be found online at

CLA in progress

Swiss: Negotiations about the wage system are in progress. Michael Buletti, who is the leader of our delegation, says there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon that a solution will be found.

Swissport Zurich: Negotiations are also in progress. At this moment, however, we are obliged to maintain silence due to the currently ongoing process. Information is to follow.

News from Western Switzerland by Tony Mainolfi:

SEV-GATA has met with all of its delegates from various companies: Swissport, Priora, and ISS. These meetings have confirmed that we have motivated and dedicated people in all of these companies. Nonetheless, the presence of SEV-GATA must be reinforced in all three companies in order to defend our accomplishments and to achieve further successes. We know that our basis is indeed strong enough. Regular meetings have shown that SEV-GATA has already found its place within these companies.

Several colleagues have reached out to SEV-GATA with simple concerns, but also to request our support in arguments with their employer. The employees of the Swissport Lounge, for example, sent a joint letter to their management with more than thirty signatures (which means that almost all employees have signed). The letter explains issues that arise due to their hierarchy. In a first meeting, Swissport’s management agreed to implement measures to improve the situation. A second meeting will take place in autumn, with the aim of drawing conclusions. This would not have been possible without the dedication of those concerned and the support of SEV-GATA.

Dear colleague, in 1918 we learned that joint efforts are the only way to improve working and living conditions. By helping to win your colleagues as new members of SEV, you become part of the reason why our union is successful. Furthermore, this ensures that your working conditions are shaped according to your own ideas! More information at

A beautiful summer to all of you!

Best wishes,

Philipp Hadorn, President

SEV-GATA, your union in the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, President GATA: SEV-Aviation