Member Mail 3 / 2014

CLA Negotiations/Meetings
Shifting of licence registration fees
Minimum wage petition
SEV-GATA General Meeting on 21 May 2014
New person of trust
Contacts SEV-GATA

Dear Colleagues 

CLA Negotiations/Meetings
On January 16th 2014 the committee SEV-GAGA had a detailed discussion on the current CLA situation. The CLA negotiation with the Swiss will take place mid-March 2014. On the occasion of a first assembly on January 24th 2014 we had a first discussion with members and interested people in Werft 2. We now invite you to a second round of discussions on Thursday, March 13th 2014, 14.30 – 15.30 p.m., room C2-61_DUS, building Charly, Zurich Obstgarten.
Your subscription until Monday, 10 March 2014, 24 p.m. will be necessary to further meeting is projected for:
ATuesday, 1 April 2014, 13.30 – 14.30 h  in Basel (details to follow)
Please register 1 week in advance of the event to  

Shifting of licence registration fees
On January 24th 2014 a broad anger about the change of this element of the working conditions by the Swiss arose. Trade union secretary Regula Bieri will now meet the colleagues concerned again in order to discuss further procedures.

SEV-GATA General Meeting on 21 May 2014
Please make a note already now: General meeting on May 21st 2014. In connection with the present CLA negotiations you’ll have the opportunity of discussing its status, contents and procedure together with your colleagues. It’s a must for people who care about their working conditions. Of course our get-together will be in a relaxed atmosphere and food is provided. Further info to follow.

Minimum wage petition
On May 18th persons entitled to vote in Switzerland will have the opportunity to vote on the introduction of a minimum wage. It shall be introduced, currently not below CHF 4000 per month, in order to guarantee a decent life. Today, over 300’000 employees in Switzerland gain less. In the aviation sector an above-average number of employees are concerned. The petition launched by trade unions now proposes a solution. Further information to follow.

In the past month, quite a number of Swiss employees have joint SEV-GATA. Apparently, our continuous effort, the resigned CLA and the various supports lead to a recruitment success. A strong representation and your personal implication is important in regard of the CLA negotiations. Benefit from this moment and convince colleagues to join our common fight for your CLA!

New person of trust
Since a few weeks, Matthias Claus is one of your persons of trust and pleased to give support. Persons of trust are important for the exchange of information between members and the trade union direction. They are just as important for the realisation of the tasks of a trade union. We wish Matthias all the best in this important function.

Contacts SEV-GATA
SEV-GATA lobbies together with its members for the improvement of your working conditions. In case of a conflict with your employer, SEV-GATA fights for your rights – as a competent and committed social partner just as well as with its team for legal protection. SEV-GATA is also dedicated to improve the conditions within the law.

As a reminder, please find the following contacts:

President & National Councillor: Philipp Hadorn
Vice-president: Dominik Fischer
Committee membres: Andreas Breker, Basel and Bert Charles Füller, Geneva and Zurich
Person of trust: Paolo Tuzzi and Matthias Claus, both Swiss Zürich

At the regional SEV secretariat in Zurich: Regula Bieri, union secretary
At the SEV central: Ariane Mose, Administration (besides Philipp Hadorn)

Eveline Tanner Steiner has contributed over 8 years to the aviation sector as a secretary. She will now take over responsibility for other tasks at the SEV. It is time to say thank you for your continuing commitment! She will hand over the SEV-GATA affairs step by step to Ariane Mose. A warm welcome to Ariane Mose and we are looking forward to a “flying” collaboration!

Subscribe now for a participation at our assemblies, to become member of SEV-GATA and to participate in defining key aspects of our CLA.

A committed battle for fair working conditions pays back!

Kind regards
SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry
Philipp Hadorn, president GATA: SEV-Aviation
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