Member Mail 7 / 2013

Pay Talks 
Engine Shop 
Peko Replacement Elections 
21 September 2013 Demo

Dear Colleagues 

Against all expectations economy is developing quite well in Switzerland. Aviation industry is doing just as well. 

Pay Talks 
While the Federation of Swiss Trade Unions is generally demanding 1,5 to 2 percent and CHF 100 on top of the minimum wages, we now have to decide on an adjusted company-related wage claim for Swiss staff, too. In agreement with the other unions GATA-SEV Avia­tion union committee is going to draw up a claim taking the current situation into account. Swiss already indicated its need to economize. However, based on the CLA Swiss is obliged to hold annual pay talks with the unions. We’ll keep you informed. 

Engine Shop Basel 
The future of Engine Shop Basle is not yet known. At least Swiss is aware that special efforts are required to carry on with the business and to help the employees perform at their best before the shop may be closed down. To all appearance those concerned will be adequately compensated in a package deal and/or given clear prospects for the future. 

Negotiations are being held on how to organize and compensate “Pikett” duties. Regularly raised organisational grades contribute to our success in representing the staff members’ interests to Swiss management. 

Peko Replacement Elections    
GATA:SEV Aviation was able to nominate a successor to Jeanette Böhler of staff commis­sion. With Michal Rangott an estimated candidate could be proposed.

21 September 2013 Demo
On Saturday, 21 September 2013 the national demonstration of the Federation of Swiss Trade Unions SGB will take place in Berne. Under the slogan “stop wage dumping and pen­sion cuts” (Stopp Lohndumping und Rentenklau!) the current topics will be put in a nutshell. At 13.30 h already SEV members meet in Berne, at Schützenmatte. We’ll focus on “insecure pensions” (Wackelrenten) and safe “traffic”. All participants will get a free ticket to Berne by Swiss railway. The day ticket can be ordered at SEV-head office, phone 031 37 57 57.

We would be pleased to welcome a strong group of aviation members at the demo this year, too.  

And don’t forget our 2013 membership campaign with attractive prizes. New members are urgently needed to strengthen our bargaining position. 

With kind regards
SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry        
Philipp Hadorn, president GATA: SEV-Aviation
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