Member Mail 4 / 2013

Fairness – also in Wages

Labour Day 2013 – 1 May for “fair wages and decent pensions”
LTSW closing – with good individual solutions
Swiss: wages of the enlarged management
GATA managing committee  - setting priorities and planning activities
Pikett bonuses discussed
No SECO special permission without consulting social partners
2013 GATA GM - Tuesday, 28 May 2013 in Lucerne
2013 Recruitment drive

Dear colleagues     

Several enterprises try to make savings programmes once again at the expense of the employ­ees and refuse to give job protection. At the same time many companies are closed in Switzerland.

1 May 2013 Labour Day
10'000 thousands of people demonstrated for „fair wages and better pensions“ in far more than 50 places in Switzerland. The increasing income gap was attacked in all demonstra­tions. Today even with an apprentice’s diploma you won’t have the guarantee of a pay you can decently live on.
Now we demand a change in the wage- and income policy, a fair distribution of wages and salaries. Not only the two petitions (1:12-Initiative and minimum wage initiative), coming to a referendum in a couple of months, but also the ‘AHVplus’, which we are presently collecting signatures for, should fight the unfair distribution of income. 

LTSW buried 
LTSW, former technical department of Swiss, was buried, de facto, though not yet legally, after a good 4-years of business. For the individual GATA-members who contacted us for claiming hardship clause according to the social plan we were able to find satisfactory solu­tions with the management in all cases. 

Swiss: wages of the enlarged management
A 5% wage cut from 1 July 2013 was announced by the six-headed enlarged Swiss manage­ment a few days ago. Whether they had been instructed or followed the austerity measures the LH group had published shortly before, remains to be seen. Without knowing the actual pay-slips of the top floor such memos actually don’t have any informational value. Swiss CEO Harry Hohmeister, elected to the Lufthansa board of directors a few days before, defi­nitely won’t have earned less money at the end of 2013 than in previous years. Whether such double mandates will enhance the development of Swiss home based in Switzerland is doubt­ful though. 

GATA- managing committee –  setting of priorities and planning of activities
Early in February 2013 the members of the GATA-managing committee went into private session for two days. Here we discussed the situation of the aviation industry, current politi­cal developments in air traffic, the strength and embodiment of the unions and miscellaneous other topics. All items will be presented on the occasion of our general meeting on 28 May 2013.  

Pikett- bonuses discussed 
Duties and workload of Pikett services (constant readiness for standby during defined time windows) mean radical cuts into private life. Recently the number of these duties has in­creased in certain areas, probably due to structural reasons. A first meeting with a group of those affected and SEV-GATA was held early this month. In a team we’ll find out exactly what the situation is and what is needed and then intervene with the management. Our suc­cess depends on the cooperation of the union members. We are fighting for our members with total commitment! 

No SECO-special permission without hearing social partners 
Special SECO permission needs the consent of the unions. Apparently contrary to all declara­tions Swiss has again asked SECO to extend special permissions behind the back of the unions. Thanks to the indication of our members SEV-GATA was able to intervene shortly after .

GATA 2013 GM Tuesday, 28 May 2013 in Lucerne
ll members received an invitation for our general meeting from SEV-GATA a few weeks ago. Please take the chance of getting to know other unionists in an exciting guided tour about “The history of aviation in Switzerland” at Verkehrshaus in Lucerne. You can still regis­ter by 24 May 2013 under email (for detailed programme download

2013 Recruitment drive         
A new interesting recruitment drive is on at the SEV this year: For 2 new members you’ll get a writing case on top of the Fr. 50.00 award for each recruited member. For every 5th mem­ber the award will be doubled, i.e. for 5 newly acquired members Fr. 500.00 (instead of Fr. 250.00), for 10 new members Fr 1'000.00 (instead of Fr. 500.00) and for 15 new members Fr. 1’500.00 (instead of Fr. 750.00). So join in, winning new members pays off. 

With kind regards
SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry!     
Philipp Hadorn, President GATA: SEV-Aviation
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