Member Mail 10/2012

News from Swiss, LTSW, Hello & Swissport
Talks on Equal Wages 
Sundays Off 
Union Activities – for Members
2013 Membership Fees: Moderate Adjustment 
Calendar Campaign 
Welcome Present for New Members  

Dear Member 
Swiss aviation has been struck by the turbulences of the industry, too. Cost-cutting-  and restructuring measures have been alternating. It won’t make us feel any better if other countries have taken far more radical measures. 

News from Swiss, LTSW, Hello & Swissport 
Swiss had to reveal that for the current year no dividend would be distributed within the profit participation plan. Moreover wage talks broke down in the second round on Dec. 14, 2012. Salary increase will be nil. From SEV-GATA’s point of view the company fails to appreciate the outstanding performance of its employees during the past difficult months. 

SEV-GATA expects that Swiss will successfully bring to bear the favourable general conditions companies get in Switzerland in its talks with the parent group: jobs saved by tax money can definitely not be shifted abroad within the score program. Things like that cannot be allowed to happen. 

LTSW continues cutting-down on workforce unabatedly. In several conversations with those affected we were able to offer assistance, to help finding new solutions and in some cases to make the employer take individual measures. Nevertheless the future of LTSW is looking gloomy. Wage talks for a new CLA are planned for the new year. 

Hello, Moritz Suter’s latest and probably last airline project, is on the brink of ruin. Even union members are hit by drastic consequences. In future the workers shouldn’t only support the unions in negotiating fair collective wage agreements and social plans in bad times but also in good times. Clear collective agreements are better than visions. 

The precarious airline situation has also consequences on Swissport, threatening the jobs of SEV-GATA members too. Several dozen jobs are supposed to be shed.

Talks on equal wages
The contract with Swiss has been signed. As from mid-January 2013 the wages at Swiss will be examined with regard to equal pay for equal work according para. 8, Federal Constitution and the equal rights law (GIG). As a member of the accompanying committee SEV-GATA will be actively involved in this process. 

Sundays off
The employers represented by FDP-Member of the National Council, Germanier, filed a motion No. 10.3508, which was supposed to allow ground staff 12 Sundays off per year only. During lengthy negotiations between Seco, employers and unions we were able to reach that 18 Sundays off will be guaranteed annually. Details will be published on our website in January 2013. 

Union activities – for members 
Representing its members in several hundred law cases SEV takes over approved legal costs in the amount of about CHF 350.000. Numerous aviation employees have been able to benefit from our services over the past months too. We’ve been in the position to take successful action against unjustified notices, to enforce corrections of incomplete employers’references, to accompany difficult talks and to negotiate severances. Of course this service, including the examination of wage- and time calculations, can be offered to members only. 

2013 Membership fees: moderate adjustment
SEV-managing committee decided to raise basic contributions generally by CHF 2.40. As the membership fee hadn’t been changed at SEV-GATA for many years, the committee decided to adjust it for SEV-GATA-members as well. From 2013 the membership fee for all members (with or without CLA) will be CHF 18.40. 

Calendar campaign
Recently committee members as well as the members and representatives of the SEV distributed several hundreds of calendars to aviation staff. Thank you very much for your effort! In many talks and meetings we were shown that there’s a lively interest in the union movement. 

New members: attractive welcome present until Dec. 31, 2012 
Please don’t forget. Not only those who win a new member for GATA will get a super present but also the new 2012 members will get one on top of the wide variety of union offers and services: 12 months multi-legal protection at a Coop-insurance at a value of CHF 78,- (details

SEV-GATA will courageously and tirelessly take care of your interests also next year – working for you and with you! 

Merry Christmas and a happy and successful New Year. I wish you a couple of quiet hours remembering essentials. 

With committed regards 
SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry      
Philipp Hadorn, President /