Member Mail 8/2010

Upswing becomes real
Wage talks scheduled
Autumn meeting
And also ……

Dear member

When the leaves are falling the 2011 wage talks are sure to come.

Upswing becomes real
It’s amazing how quickly economy is recovering in Switzerland. For Swiss and LTSW staff too recovery is within reach. Swiss is in the black again and the order books of LTSW are filled to bursting.

Wage talks scheduled
First talk rounds have been fixed with LTSW and Swiss. SEV-GATA has decided to start this year’s negotiations with rather pragmatic but serious wage demands.

The new humain resources manager, Reto Schmidt, will be given the opportunity to keep his promise and make the necessary wage adjustments being long overdue without haggling. Our wage demand to Swiss can be seen under .

LTSW too seems to make it out of radical mass layoffs and short-time work. After all the turbulences in the past wage adjustments are now absolutely imperative to get ready and give the necessary motivation for a new beginning. Our wage demand 2011 will be available for download on our website early in November 2010.

SEV-GATA Autumn Meeting
For this coming November the SEV-GATA committee is planning a meeting. We have not yet the confirmation of our speaker, but we’ll let you know as soon as possible. An exciting lecture as well as interesting reports and discussions regarding the current CLA talks and wage negotiations are scheduled. Details will follow.


  • we have taken notice of the sudden death of Swiss VR Rolf Jetzer. SEV-GATA has expressed its heartfelt sympathy and expectations for the future in a letter of concolence
  • all those entitled to vote in Switzerland (resp. the low turnout) have agreed to deteriorated unemployment benefits on 26 September, 2010.  The union movement will continue fighting for social balance and protection in extreme cases like unemployment. 
  • due to the departmental allocation within Swiss Government Doris Leuthard, member of the Bundesrat, has become head of the UVEK. As the highest patron of Swiss Aviation (BAZL) she will now actively shape our guidelines as well. SEV-leaders have already made first contacts with Doris Leuthard. As the president of SEV-GATA I’ve been in direct contact with BAZL director Peter Müller and his department managers in the past.

A solid basis for successful wage talks and 50 SFR bonus for you if you recruit a new member for the union! Thank you for your help!

With committed regards,
SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry

Philipp Hadorn, president /