Media News, october 1.10.09
SEV-GATA and Lufthansa Technik Switzerland: CLA signed
Terms of employment guaranteed until 2012
The terms of employment for Lufthansa Technik Switzerland staff in Basle will remain valid:
Signing of collective labour agreement guarantees that the working conditions of the former Swiss-subsidiary will remain valid until 2012.
A year after Swiss’ change-over to Lufthansa a collective labour agreement will become effective with Lufthansa Technik Switzerland /LTSW) today. After a company meeting a clear majority of SEV-GATA members, working with LTSW in Basle, decided that the current CLA reflecting the present economic situation should be accepted.
The new CLA cannot be cancelled before September 30, 2012 and will guarantee the current working conditions based on a 41-hour week until then. Wage negotiations must be held every year, profit sharing has to be discussed with the unions and work-ing-hour regulations must still be issued. A social plan is part of the CLA, too.
The agreement was signed yesterday, September 30, and will become effective today.
„Signing this agreement we were able to safeguard the working conditions. Now we need to increase the number of our members. Only a powerful union will be able to hold wage talks and settle working-hour regulations successfully,” adds SEV-GATA president Philipp Hadorn.
SEV-GATA (Groundstaff Aviation Technics and Administration) aviation sector of the transport staff union SEV.
Further info:
Philipp Hadorn, president SEV-GATA, Phone + 41 79 600 96 70